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Find new enemies. Playfully.

Rulefactory – the gamesmiths of St.Gallen

We are a crazy bunch of four, young-at-heart game enthusiasts from east Switzerland, who came together 2015 to found Rulefactory, after many, many entertaining game sessions.

What motivates us
Since founding the Rulefactory our passion for games has been growing to this day. Wether card or baord games, strategy or luck, team effort or everyone for themselves. And there's one vision pushing us forward: Developing and publishing new, entertaining, unique games. Always with a keen eye on design. So that - thanks to Pierre - our games can stand out amongst all the overtly colourful, chaotic cards and boxes.

Where we want to go
After selling over 500,000 card games, we are still far from thinking about hanging up our hats. And so we work every spare second on developing new game concepts. In doing so, we want to show our diversity as a game publisher and continue to develop. Whether thanks to the support of modern technologies (generators), the collaboration with other game developers and ZHdK students or through cooperative projects with people outside the gaming world.

But we are craving a bit more than that! After our first board game we are now working on our first family game. And a new Frantic product also awaits us in 2025: The Frantic boardgame!
And who knows, if everything goes according to plan, we might finally end up finally realizing our lifelong dream since founding Rulefactory: Our own jar of jam!

Questions about us, our products or service? The best way to reach us, is by mail:

Stefan Weisskopf

Game Development, Finances & Logistics

Stefan Weisskopf, a trained physiotherapist, not only knows how to handle the human body, but also keeps a constant eye on our shipping. He's in charge that the packages arrive at your door, and chekcs in as well that the warehouses of our distribution partners are filled to the brim. In addition, he keeps our finances in check und adds weird new ideas into our games.

Pierre Lippuner

Game Development, Design & Technology

Pierre Lippuner, game design alumni of the ZHdK, is a trained graphic designer with the task of creating a uniform, unique look for the website and, above all, for our games. He's also our ambitious rule writer and crafter of prototypes. And of course, he makes sure that our website works and creates new fun online tools.

Pascal Frick

Game Development & Communication

Pascal Frick is considered the secret founder of Rulefactory. He was the first to start making his own cards after the idea for a mischievous card game plopped up - which is how Frantic got its start. Due to his communication studies, he keeps track of our DMs on social media, as well as keeping track of upcoming events.

Fabian Engeler

Game Development & Management

Fabian Engeler, studied Multimedia Producer, takes over the core management of Rulefactory – at least on paper – and supports Stefan in the exciting task of accounting. He is also responsible for the translations of all content into English, and enjoys correcting rules and other writing as well.

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